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Monthly Archives: May 2015

Whisky Lady – May merriment

Welcome to Whisky Ladys 5th instalment summarising May’s whisky tasting adventures. Finally after a two month hiatus, our merry malt tasting group had our ‘proper’ session. We sampled blind whiskies from three countries:

  • USA (NY) – Hudson Single Malt NAS 46% – Something ‘different’ in a small barrel, hand crafting, unusual 375 ml bottle… doesn’t mean the whisky is any good. Just skip it! 
  • Scotland (Highland) – Deanston Virgin Oak NAS 46.3%Decent delicate and slightly dull dram. Perhaps a refreshing spring cocktail made with a light hand and subtle flavours
  • Ireland – Teeling Single Malt NAS 46%Trust the Irish to create a sociable whisky! A complete treat – the kind of whisky you to pull out and enjoy with friends
May tasting session trio (Whisky Lady)

May tasting session trio (Whisky Lady)

In addition to our monthly sessions, I held a most enjoyable tasting with another whisky lady where we tried:

Auchentoshan quartet (Whisky Lady)

Auchentoshan quartet (Whisky Lady)

HITS – Unlike most months where it is tough to chose a ‘favourite’, the Irish Wishky Teeling is the only one I would consider stocking in my whisky cabinet for sociable evenings.

MISS – Also unlike most months, there was a clear ‘warning’ too – I still shudder at the Hudson. Don’t… I beg you just don’t…

Another highlight was Whisky Lady invaded Man’s World May edition with an interview with Dr Bill Lumsden.

MW May 2015

MW May 2015

In honour of Ardbeg’s 200 year, I also published further extracts fro the Bill Lumsden interview focused on Ardbeg.

June should bring some interesting tasting adventures as I will be traveling to Singapore, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto, Canada then carry on to London in July. Let’s see what mischief and merriment can be had! Slainthe!

Curious to know more? Start with Whisky Lady’s monthly missives:

You can also find Whisky Lady on:

If the shoe fits? Footwear follies in Mumbai…

In advance of the next demolition action in our living room, we’ve been systematically pulling out stuff from various corners in an attempt to cull the crap before it has to be moved to the other room to make way for the workers.

Today was the shoe cupboard. And I knew it wouldn’t be pretty. (more…)

Social Media – Personal vs Professional

I’m a bit out of synch with social media and have entirely out-dated notions about personal vs professional spaces.

For me, Facebook is a personal space to share what I chose with friends. As in ACTUAL friends. As in people I really do honestly KNOW. As in really have MET at some point in our lives.

Not random strangers who happen to have at least one common connect (necessary to find me on FB) and a bizarre notion we can ‘make friends.’ For the unfamiliar, that is code for “I expect to get my jollies by chatting you up as after all… you are a loose ‘white’ woman.” (Oh and the ‘white’ part only enhances the sleaze factor, lovely desi ladies are not immune to such unwanted attentions).

Whereas for me, LinkedIn is a professional space where I’m happy to keep connected with those I’ve met professionally. Ideally we’ve worked together directly. If not, we have at least met in a professional context or there is a rationale for keeping abreast of each others professional developments. The bonus about LinkedIn is it doesn’t seem to be the horny stalker social medium of choice – yeah!

Sure the lines between professional and personal are blurred. It is perfectly natural to meet interesting professionals along the way and become friends. Just as some friends share professional interests. (more…)

Drink and drive attitudes

Growing up in Canada, I witnessed a change in approach to drinking and driving.

As a teenager, I was aware it did happen but for the most part we got around using the bus – as passengers not drivers! I remember being aghast when my country cousins spoke of filing their car with as much gas and booze as they could afford, then drive until they ran out of one or the other. Seemed a really dumb activity to this ‘city’ kid, however we had distractions aplenty which were not so readily available in rural Manitoba.

While the laws against drinking and driving became increasingly stringent in Canada, what was more important is the shift in social attitudes. Bars promoted ‘designated drivers’ by providing free non-alcoholic drinks all evening. Services took you and your car home if you drank. Organisations like MADD – Mother’s Against Drunk Driving – pushed to tighten legislation and declared ‘war’ on drinking and driving.

And the law? While technically in the criminal code since 1925, it took the introduction of the breathalyzer in 1954 to have a tool to catch impaired drivers. By 2008, the consequences were quite clear: (more…)

Sunday stroll on Juhu Beach

OK… I know it is mid-week not Sunday. However I also know we live near the sea yet for some strange reason it is rare to find us strolling by the water.

So we when we arrived on Sunday slightly early for a private preview of Anurag Kashyap’s Bombay Velvet, conveniently located at Sunny Villa in Juhu, I took the opportunity to wander along the beach and thought today to share some quick snaps.

For those not familiar with Mumbai’s Juhu beach, it is a weekend favourite for families, blushing couples, energetic adolescents and hawkers… one of the few places free to come out and play. There is a long stretch of sand with plenty of room to jog, play soccer, enjoy a picnic with a multitude of vendors catering to the crowds that grow until sunset the gradually slip away. (more…)

Whisky Lady – April adventures

Welcome to Whisky Ladys 4th instalment summarising the April’s whisky tasting adventures.

While our formal tasting session was cancelled, the month had two highlights:

  • Whisky Lady invades Man’s World with a Glenmorangie event and interview
  • Tasting take two revisiting Japanese and Indian whiskies from previous tasting sessions

Whisky Lady in a Man’s World 

Thanks to an accidental rescue, Whisky Lady now has a regular whisky feature in Man’s World magazine. The 1st assignment took me to Delhi to interview Dr Bill Lumsden, Director of Distilling, Whisky Creation and Whisky Stock for The Glenmorangie Company. (more…)

Mitch Podolak – Creating a community

I received an email today from Mitch Podolak sharing the news he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Brandon University.

For anyone growing up in Winnipeg or tuned into the folk music scene in Canada, Mitch is a familiar figure. A visionary character that dared to have crazy dreams and convince others to come along for the party! (more…)