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Monthly Archives: September 2014

‘Pop’ home for ‘pop up’ Assamese

I ‘popped’ home to Mumbai on the weekend and found myself at a ‘pop up’ venue for a home made lunch of various Assamese delicacies. Expect by now most are familiar with the concept – enjoy fab food outside of the traditional restaurant setting with other ‘foodies’.

In this case, our venue was a funky store Sanctum, our hosts The Secret Ingredient and our chef the beaming energetic Gitika. (more…)

“Let’s go out for dinner!” aka the Puncak un-plan…

If someone says to you “Let’s go out for dinner Saturday”… you can be forgiven for having visions of a civilized sit down dinner, a glass of wine, a little desultory conversation..

However, that’s vastly underestimating my friends.

What did we do?

Hop in the car and drive from Jakarta to Puncak… braving macet in the city and macet on the winding road up to Puncak pass. (more…)

Speyside Trio – Balvenie Carribean Cask, Tomatin, Knockando

This is part of a series of tasting notes from a monthly private whisky club in Mumbai, India.

Tasting Notes from 18 April 2013

For this evening, we tried ‘blind’ three selections of which one was an interesting non-whisky whisky! Featured whiskies included: Belvenie Carribean Cask 14 year, Tomatin 12 year and Knockando 12 year. (more…)