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Temperature Twins! Mumbai vs Winnipeg??

There are a lot of things different about living in India vs Canada… not the least of which is typically the weather!

When people think of India, they immediately imagine blazing heat!

And Canada? Let’s just say the exact opposite…

And if its Winnipeg? Try swirling snowstorms. And Mumbai? Warm, humid perennial summer!

So this week when my father mentioned how nice and warm it is in Winnipeg? I just so happened to check the temperature…

There in Winnipeg…

2016-05-06 Wpg

And here in Mumbai….

2016-05-06 Mumbai

Are you kidding me? How rare is it to have EXACTLY the same temperature in two such otherwise different climates?

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Getting booted up for Amsterdam!

There is something quite absurd about buying boots in Bombay on a bright warm sunny day in a thin sleeveless t-shirt…

So why am I buying such footwear?

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