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Tag Archives: packing

Letting go of bookish friends

Growing up, I was a voracious reader.

The books of my childhood were full of Canadian classics by L M Montgomery with her iconic curly topped imaginative “Anne of Green Gables” and early feminist and abolitionist American author Louisa May Alcott known for her book “Little Women” plus many other authors.

This hunger to discover worlds beyond my own through other’s words remains… though the quantity and range has reduced over the years… and for a time nearly stopped as the business of ‘living’ took over a love of literature.

With a slightly slower pace this year, my love of reading has resurfaced. (more…)

Getting booted up for Amsterdam!

There is something quite absurd about buying boots in Bombay on a bright warm sunny day in a thin sleeveless t-shirt…

So why am I buying such footwear?

Last night I booked a flight and tomorrow I fly… and this time Europe (not Asia) is the lucky winner! (more…)